BarkerGilmore’s esteemed executive search consultants, Managing Partner John Gilmore and Partner Brittney McDonough, are joined by Neeta Toprani, General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer of Establishment Labs, and Aaron Spira, SVP, General Counsel & Secretary of Goodman Manufacturing, to discuss how working with an executive search firm differs from applying directly to a hiring organization. Our search consultants recently placed Neeta and Aaron in their General Counsel positions, and they speak candidly about their experiences.

Below are highlights from the webinar. To learn more, the video recording, and podcast are available on this page.

Learn about the role an executive search firm plays in the assessment and interview process and what makes a strong candidate through the case studies of two BarkerGilmore General Counsel placements. Tips for preparing for a General Counsel interview, including how candidates can distinguish themselves in today’s competitive market, will further elevate your game.

Relevant, sophisticated experience is the price of admission.

The key to placing Neeta in her current position was the fact that she was a good cultural fit. With 12 shortlisted candidates who had the required experience as U.S.-trained attorneys with multi-cultural perspectives, the organization was searching for very specific intangible qualities — a lawyer who was “influential” and capable of quickly building trust and credibility with the executive team and board.

“Neeta was ultimately the selected candidate. Substantively, she was extremely qualified, but it was the intangibles that set her apart. Confident, but in a very humble way, she is persuasive and influential. She’s results-oriented and has this authenticity about her that is extremely refreshing. I had very positive interactions with her, and I predicted that my client would feel the same way.”
Brittney McDonough

“At the GC level, as Brittney mentioned, I think that the process is just as much, if not more, about the fit within the company and management team than about your legal credentials. The legal credentials certainly get you into the candidate pool, but they don’t make you the right candidate. It’s like a matchmaking exercise, and if you don’t achieve success right away — we’ve all been there — look for a better fit.”
Neeta Toprani

Get beneath the surface with your questions during the interview process.

Aaron was competing against two well-positioned internal candidates and bridging a cultural divide. With a remote interview process, it was more challenging for him to gain an understanding of the culture – both within the executive leadership team and the company as a whole.  Looking for a company that offered the opportunity to serve as a true partner to the business, he talked to as many people as possible throughout the interview process, asking for concrete examples and specific situations to understand how often and in what ways there could be collaboration between the legal team and the business. He asked questions that would help him to get beneath the surface, to obtain a thorough, realistic view of dynamics within the company (historical, current, and anticipated), and to make sure the role was a good fit.

“I wanted to know what kinds of challenges or historical issues I might face — to know as much as I could coming in the door. Obviously, there’s always new aspects once you start the first day and thereafter. I was trying to get a holistic view from as many different people as possible to get a handle on the company, the culture, and the historic relationship with people.”
Aaron Spira

To be a great candidate, be a great listener.

The cadence in an interview needs to be a 50/50 split between speaking and listening.  Listening is an essential quality, not only for leaders but also for candidates going through the interview process. Those who talk too much may be perceived as poor listeners who are not able to align with the business. On the other hand, if the interviewer does most of the talking, their chance to understand what you bring to the table is limited.  Know how to interject when necessary. Tells stories that will allow the interviewer to get to know you. Learn in advance about the individuals with whom you will be meeting by talking with your executive search consultant. The likelihood of a successful interview increases significantly when one is attuned to the personality and style of the interviewer and can cater their responses to questions and overall presentation accordingly.

“The recent client feedback I received about the candidate they selected was twofold. The candidate was a great listener and delivered authentic responses to the interviewer’s questions. Thoughtful, genuine answers are not rehearsed and may even include a pause before you give your response. A genuine answer helps you establish a convincing connection.”
John Gilmore

John Gilmore, Brittney McDonough, and our team of professionals are happy to help accelerate the initiatives that you’re already pursuing or to supplement your current strategic thinking to help you realize your vision. Please reach out if you or your organization may benefit from our recruitingleadership development and coaching, or legal and compliance department consulting services.  Let us help you build and optimize your legal and compliance departments.


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