By | Jul 19, 2023 | Categories: Hiring & Recruiting, Interviews |

When it comes time to hire, it is critical to discover information which cannot be found on a resume to determine who ultimately will thrive in your organization for the long term.  While credentials, work experience, and great references are essential, these criteria only scratch the surface. To learn techniques from the pros, I surveyed successful General Counsel from multiple industries across the country. A special thanks to those who shared their insights for this article. Read on for some tried-and-true evaluation metrics.

Cultural Fit

Cultural fit is a popular catchphrase, but what does it really mean? Here are a few questions to ask yourself to determine if the cultural fit is right:

  • Is the person someone you would want to share a cup of coffee with?
  • Would you want to have a conversation with them at a company picnic?
  • Would you want them across the table from you at 2:00 a.m. during an emergency?
  • What if the table was turned and you were the one being interviewed; is the person someone you would want to report to?

Considering the amount of time spent at work, any new hire should be someone you and the others on your team would want to spend time with and wouldn’t upset the applecart. Hire people who share the company’s values and who would work well with the people currently in the organization.  Don’t second-guess your instincts.


Be careful not to hire people who are simply a carbon copy of the existing team. Diversity can include age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, education, disability, socioeconomics, and more. The goal is to have a team of individuals with different experiences and perspectives to prevent stagnation. Different points of view allow for a broader consideration of different approaches and alternatives and can lead to the best course of action for the company.


People who are humble, optimistic, growth-minded, and forward-thinking have higher emotional intelligence and make better business partners.  Does the candidate have a roll-up-their-sleeves attitude, can-do spirit, and enjoy challenges? Is this person excited and willing to step outside their comfort zone?

Many law departments take pride in servant leadership and partnership mentalities, so it is critical not to bring in a lawyer who feels entitled by pedigree. Look for humble, team players with can-do attitudes.


Intellectually curious candidates understand the “whys” and are not hesitant about asking, “why not?” A lawyer who asks the right questions, such as “Have you considered…?” tends to become a respected business partner and not just another in-house counsel.

Look for smart and accomplished lawyers who are curious and eager to learn. People who are curious are more adaptable and often gain a better appreciation for the business. These same people are also willing to take on new challenges and push themselves to accomplish stretch goals.


To use a sports analogy, you are not just hiring for one position on the team, you’re hiring someone with the ability to adapt to play different positions. The needs of organizations change. Hiring a great athlete who is not stuck in a certain role or way of dealing with issues is necessary. Candidates who have taken on additional responsibilities throughout their tenure demonstrate this characteristic. The question to ask is, “how have your responsibilities evolved since joining your company?”


For the legal function to be effective, the law department needs people who communicate well. Signs of a good communicator include good eye contact, ease, and confidence in presenting to an audience. During the interview, pay attention to body language as well as the use of appropriate and easy-to-understand verbal communication. Last but certainly not least, pay attention to active listening skills. As someone once said, “It is impossible to be a great lawyer and a poor listener.”

In-house counsel must learn how to provide counsel and advice with an economy of words. Lawyers coming direct from law firms are not always trained in brevity, so identifying a candidate who can communicate with business decision-makers in a concise and articulate manner is important. Otherwise, it will be difficult to succeed in an in-house role.

High Expectations

Hiring lawyers who have successfully risen above adversity and persevered to achieve goals, results in a team with a sense of urgency and a laser focus on business objectives. While many smart lawyers operate well in the status quo, hire top talent who remain calm and composed when plans A, B, and C have failed, and it is necessary to pivot to plan D and beyond. This speaks directly to internal motivation and drive.

Incorporating these selection criteria into the hiring process will improve the caliber of talent hired, reduce attrition, and create a stronger law department.

As always, reach out anytime if you or your organization may benefit from BarkerGilmore’s recruiting, leadership development, or legal and compliance department consulting services.


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