By | Feb 6, 2023 | Categories: Interviews, Hiring & Recruiting |

Ask the right interview questions to find the best legal counsel

One of the most critical responsibilities of a General Counsel and other managing counsel is building a team. Get it right, and you will have a team that delivers significant value to the organization. Get it wrong, and the negative impact on your productivity and reputation can be substantial.

As legal executive recruiters, our job is to deliver a diverse slate of exceptional candidates with the qualifications necessary to meet the role’s needs and, as best as possible, the personality that will fit within the organization’s culture. The interview is your chance to identify the best talent and fit for your organization.

Looking for questions for General Counsel interviews? Read our article, 12 Essential Questions to Ask for Interviewing General Counsel.

Top interview questions (and answers) for in-house counsel according to a survey of General Counsel

I surveyed successful GCs across the nation to garner some of their favorite interview questions to ask in-house counsel candidates, and I’m happy to share their responses with you. A special thank you to each GC who provided input for this article.

1. Tell me about your current position and how your responsibilities have evolved since joining the company/firm.
People who have earned the trust of the business and leadership team tend to take on greater responsibility year after year.

2. Where do you bring the business the greatest value?
The answer should describe how the candidate has provided solutions (legal and business related), reduced cost, increased efficiencies, etc.

3. Tell me about a time when you have had to say “no” to the business and what was the outcome?
The reality is only the GC should say “no” to the business. In-house counsel should bring potential solutions to the table, identify the associated risks, and make a convincing recommendation for the best move forward. The company will choose its path, and the attorney should support the outcome, good or bad.

4. What is the positive feedback from your recent review? What adjectives do those around you use to describe you?
Look for words describing high EQ and leadership – good listener, humble, roll-up-your-sleeves, calm under pressure, relationship builder, solutions-oriented.

5. Again, referring to your performance reviews, what areas have been mentioned for personal development?
Be on the lookout for any of the examples above. Someone with low EQ will not become a successful strategic advisor.

6. Tell me about a time when a business partner was adamant about not taking your legal advice. What was the situation, and how did you resolve it?
Elicits what someone has done, not what they say they would do in a difficult circumstance.

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7. Describe the job [for which you are interviewing] to me based on your understanding of the role.
This question lets you see the depth of understanding they have for the role and allows you to fill in any blanks for them.

8. What is the last thing you accomplished that required you to leave your comfort zone and develop proficiency in something entirely new and different?
Illustrates how comfortable they are pushing themselves and growing.

9. Give me an example of when you helped or mentored someone.
Critical question. A fundamental component of building a strong, resilient, effective legal function is working together as a team and supporting each other.

10. What has been the most difficult challenge you have faced, and how did you solve it?
It helps to identify what they view as challenging and how they handle stress.

11. Where do you want to be in 5 to 10 years?
Identifies ambitious, self-motivated candidates.

12. Tell me about how you addressed a significant failure and what you learned from the experience.
Shows humility, emotional intelligence, and if they learn from their failures.

13. Why are you interested in this role with our company?
Basic, but you can learn a lot by asking this open-ended question that lets the candidate explain their career goals and aspirations.

14. Tell me why I should hire you over several other well-qualified candidates.
Helps to identify their level of confidence and ability to sell their strengths.

15. What is your favorite thing about our company?
If they haven’t bothered to research your company before interviewing, that tells a lot. If they have, this question allows you to gauge their passion for your brand.

16. What do you like best about your current job?
Gives the candidate the chance to convey what is satisfying about their career.

17. Give me an example of a complex legal matter you were involved in and how you were able to navigate the issue and provided counsel to your client or the business.
If someone has good communication skills, they should be able to articulate the issue, their thought process in solving it, and the outcome. They should also be able to do this without naming clients or providing confidential information.

18. How do you prefer to work?
Are they collegial? Door closed or open? Do they prefer teamwork or solo work? This helps assess how they will fit in with your team. But be careful not to dismiss someone’s answer if it doesn’t precisely match your workstyle; diversity comes in many forms.

These time-tested questions will be helpful next time you need to interview candidates for an in-house counsel role. As always, reach out anytime if you or your organization may benefit from our recruitingleadership development, or legal and compliance department consulting services.

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