By | Apr 27, 2016 | Categories: Compliance & Risk |

Good compliance practices are good business practices. But poor compliance practices can have tragic consequences that go way beyond the bottom line.

Failure to consider compliance requirements as an integral part of your business operations can come at a high cost—a negative impact on customer relationships, hefty fines or a sullied reputation among regulators. That’s why you need robust compliance leadership and a compliance department that sets and follows the highest standards for the company.

Compliance departments help their companies stay ahead of regulations, which is particularly relevant in light of historic levels of enforcement by the U.S Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Fines for corporations have increased substantially over the past decade, putting even more pressure on compliance departments. Headlines about corporate bribery charges and improper payments to government officials criss-cross the globe in seconds, eroding stakeholder confidence and causing companies to lose standing, customers and profit.

Is It Time You Looked Outside for Compliance Leadership?

As a national leader in compliance recruiting, BarkerGilmore understands you need a strong, respected compliance leader who will set the standards and communicate them to regulators, employees and customers. We also know that competition is fierce for highly qualified Chief Compliance Officers, which is why so many companies are taking steps to retain their CCOs. We tap into established national networks, communicate opportunities to qualified candidates and conduct a thorough assessment that consistently delivers the best fit for your culture. We’re proud of our track record:

  • 96% retention rate for our placements.
  • 97% of clients rate our service very good or exceptional.
  • 98% of searches result in successful placements.

Whether you’re conducting a search internally or looking for a trusted executive search partner, make sure you’ve got the tools and resources to identify a CCO who:

  • Has the industry experience to understand your business objectives and challenges.
  • Can build compliance programs by monitoring industry regulations and assessing risks.
  • Will confidently interact with regulators and respond to their requests in a timely manner.
  • Is experienced at navigating audits and inquiries.
  • Will hold colleagues accountable.

In today’s complex corporate environment, business integrity and business success go hand in hand. BarkerGilmore has the executive recruiting expertise and the professional networks to find the compliance leader you need to protect—and enhance—your company’s reputation.


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